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How to pass the command via getopts argument and execute it?

I'm trying to make some application but it's too difficult to describe it here so I simplify my problem into simpler ones.

I just want to make a script that takes two arguments: time and command. It parses arguments with getopts, waits some time and executes the given command.

I've tried to use various combinations of double-quotes, single-quotes and no quotes at all, use bash arrays (I think so) and look for similar questions but it didn't help.

while getopts "t:x:" opt; do
  case $opt in
    t) time=$OPTARG;;
    x) command=( "$OPTARG" );; # store the command in a variable
sleep $time
"${command[@]}" # execute the stored command

# script to test arguments passing
echo "1$1 2$2 3$3 4$4"

The results of executing the script should be the same as the execution of command passed in -x argument.

$./ -x "./ a 'b c'"
1a 2'b 3c' 4 # actual results
$./ a 'b c'
1a 2b c 3 4 # expected results


  • change "${command[@]}" to eval "${command[0]}"