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How to use pooling of database inside function using actix?

I created a pool for MySQL database like this:

let database_url = env::var("DATABASE_URL").expect("set DATABASE_URL");

let manager = ConnectionManager::<MysqlConnection>::new(database_url);
let pool = r2d2::Pool::builder()
    .expect("Failed to create pool.");

Included inside actix like this:

HttpServer::new(move || App::new()
    .data(pool.clone()) // <-- HERE


println!("Starting http server:");

Here come the problem, how it's possible to use it inside this info function:

pub fn get_infos(conn: &MysqlConnection) -> Vec<Book> {
        .expect("error loading the books")

Passing directly one instance of MySQL connection to get_infos working well, but using pool I have no idea on how to process it ?! Any help please ?

For more clarification, my goal is to use POOLING instead of using one instance only like it's the case in this code:

let database_url = env::var("DATABASE_URL").expect("set DATABASE_URL");
let conn = MysqlConnection::establish(&database_url).unwrap();
// And then passing as argument "conn" to get_infos function.

I initiated the POOL to actix in the previous code: .data(pool.clone()) // <-- HERE

But how to pass it as parameter to get_infos function.

Thanks again in advance for your help.


  • For your handlers; just add the pool as a parameter, then you can pass a pinned connection to downstream functions:

    // Data = actix_web::web::Data
    pub fn get_all_books(pool: Data<Pool>) -> HttpResponse {
        let connection = pool.get().expect("Failed to get connection");
        let books = get_infos(&connection);
    pub fn get_infos(connection: &MysqlConnection) -> Vec<Book> {
            .expect("error loading the books")