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Access image in qresource file from QML

I'm attempting to port my C++ Qt application to use PySide2. Within my QML I have the following:

# test.qml
Image {
    Layout.fillWidth: true
    Layout.leftMargin: 5
    Layout.rightMargin: 5
    source: "qrc:/resources/images/logo.svg" # <-- Problematic line
    fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
    asynchronous: true

My logo.svg file is referenced inside of my resources.qrc file like so:

    <qresource prefix="/">
</RCC> looks like:

import sys

from PySide2.QtGui import QGuiApplication
from PySide2.QtQml import QQmlApplicationEngine
from PySide2.QtCore import QUrl

import qml_rc

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = QGuiApplication(sys.argv)
    engine = QQmlApplicationEngine()

    if not engine.rootObjects():


qml.qrc looks like:

    <qresource prefix="/">

I compile my resources QRC file by running: $ pipenv run pyside2-rcc -o src/ui/ src/ui/resources.qrc.

Then I compile my QML QRC file by running: pipenv run pyside2-rcc -o src/ui/ src/ui/qml.qrc

Then I run my program using the following command: pipenv run python src/ui/

The UI will popup, but with some errors in the console, notably:

qrc:/qml/test.qml:25:9: QML Image: Cannot open: qrc:/resources/images/logo.svg


  • In the same way that you import qml_rc you also have to do with resources_rc:

    import qml_rc
    import resources_rc

    Note: The names of the files that are used as components must be capitalized as indicated by rule M16, I suppose that test.qml is just a name used for the example, in my test I used Test.qml.