Maybe that's a stupid question, but I would like to know if there is a possibility to say, "foo" must have at least 2 array elements of type "Foo"?
let foo: Array<Foo>; // how to say at least 2 Foos?
Yes, you can use a rest element in a tuple type:
let foo: [Foo, Foo, ...Foo[]];
And the compiler will enforce it:
declare const f: Foo;
foo = [f, f, f]; // okay
foo = [f, f]; // okay
foo = [f]; // error, property "1" is missing
foo = []; // error, properties "0" and "1" are missing
Of course, the compiler won't easily be able to verify that some arbitrary Foo[]
matches this, even if you do the "obvious" length check:
declare const fooArray: Foo[];
foo = fooArray; // error, can't verify
if (fooArray.length >= 2) {
foo = fooArray; // error, still can't verify
So you might find yourself in need of something like a user-defined type guard function to convert a Foo[]
to a [Foo, Foo, ...Foo[]]
function isAtLeastTwoFoos(x: Foo[]): x is [Foo, Foo, ...Foo[]] {
return x.length >= 2;
And then you can test that way.
if (isAtLeastTwoFoos(fooArray)) {
foo = fooArray; // okay
Hope that helps; good luck!