useragent "VeracodeJenkinsPlugin/ (Jenkins/2.150.3; Java/1.8.0_181)"
16:02:43.582 [19.07.18 14:02:43]
16:02:43.582 [19.07.18 14:02:43] Application profile "Cleared Derivatives Solution" (appid=74386) was located.
16:02:43.582 [19.07.18 14:02:43]
16:02:43.582 [19.07.18 14:02:43] Attempting to create a new build with name "veracode_scan_2019.7.0_1".
16:02:45.844 [19.07.18 14:02:45]
16:02:45.844 [19.07.18 14:02:45] The build_id of the new build is "4538017".
16:02:45.845 [19.07.18 14:02:45]
16:02:45.845 [19.07.18 14:02:45] Uploading: /somepath/nodecontrolleripp.jar
16:02:48.433 [19.07.18 14:02:48]
16:02:48.433 [19.07.18 14:02:48] Starting pre-scan verification for application "Cleared Derivatives Solution" build "veracode_scan_2019.7.0_1".
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // withCredentials
Hi, in this case i just want to get numbers like 4538017 without double quotes for build_id so i can store it in variable and use it later on. Tried many solutions from internet, using: but none worked out, i'm constantly receiving double quotes and number inside.
You need to use zero-width assertions for the quotes, /(?<=")\d+(?=")/g