Trying to port a pre-developed game to Android Build using Renpy. However, it always throws the error:
File "game/radioactive/getlucky/screen/GetLuckyScreen.rpy", line 10: Line is indented, but the preceding tag statement does not expect a block. Please check this line's indentation. vbox:
init python:
store.DarkGold = "#6F611F"
style.gl_text.xalign = 1.0
style.gl_text.yalign = 0.5
style.gl_text.color = store.DarkGold
screen GetLuckyScreen() tag menu:
use navigation #line 10
style_group "gl"
xfill True
frame background DarkGold xfill True yalign 0.5 padding(2,2) ysize 300:
frame background "#BAA235" xfill True yalign 0.5 yfill True:
grid 2 1 xalign 0.31 yalign 0.1:
I'm not familiar with renpy. But according to this document, and my research. I guess your code should be modified as this:
init python:
store.DarkGold = "#6F611F"
style.gl_text.xalign = 1.0
style.gl_text.yalign = 0.5
style.gl_text.color = store.DarkGold
screen GetLuckyScreen():
tag menu
use navigation #line 10
style_group "gl"
xfill True
frame background DarkGold xfill True yalign 0.5 padding(2,2) ysize 300:
frame background "#BAA235" xfill True yalign 0.5 yfill True:
grid 2 1 xalign 0.31 yalign 0.1:
I moved tag menu
to the next line and indented it with 4 spaces.