I am trying to compute a PHP function to have the 3DES (Triple DES) in ECB Mode. But I am getting the wrong result.
My result : 615EDC0E8EAD5DDE
Expected result : 7B66D9A5010A8035
(the expected result is computed with HSM and confirmed with the website) http://tripledes.online-domain-tools.com/
Here is my PHP function, taking as parameters :
$data = "3200000025381234"
$key = "98137332E06BBA25AEE51CFD150EA8E3"
function tripleDES($data, $key) {
$key= hex2bin($key);
$data = hex2bin($data);
$enc = openssl_encrypt($data, 'des-ede3', $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA |
return strtoupper(bin2hex($enc));
What am I doing wrong ?
Thanks to the answer of Topaco, I understood my mistake. So I used this github project: https://github.com/gilfether/phpcrypt and corrected my code this way (using my 16-bytes key):
function triple_DES($data, $key){
$key = hex2bin($key);
$data = hex2bin($data);
$crypt = new PHP_Crypt($key, PHP_Crypt::CIPHER_3DES, PHP_Crypt::MODE_ECB);
$encrypt = $crypt->encrypt($data);
return strtoupper(bin2hex($encrypt));