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How to make customization in cordova plugin?

I want to do customization in push-notification plugin.

I have installed different push-notification plugins but doesn't works:

(For Phonegap: phonegap plugin add pushwoosh-pgb-plugin

For Cordova: cordova plugin add pushwoosh-cordova-plugin)

Actual results: Image is not showing in push-notifications.

Expected result: Image should be there while receiving push-notifications


  • You can do customization in Plugin using "PluginName".java file.

    You may find the "PluginName".java from

    (Project Folder)Root -> Platform -> android (os name) -> app -> src -> main -> java -> [plugin package] -> "PluginName".java file

    Now you have to do your own code as per the requirement. Just like your problem of image in push-notification, you can do appreciate code for showing images in this file.