I'm quite new to the Perl programming. I want to use GetOptions to parse input arguments for my script. I have simple problem - I want script to exit with usage message if there's mess in arguments or arguments are missing values (for mandatory arguments). src_xml is mandatory argument but if I run the script not providing value for this argument, I get an error message about usage of uninitialized value $src_xml in -e at tenant_tenant.pl. What am I doing wrong? Or do I have to check every variable if its defined?
my $dev;
my $src_xml;
my $tgt_syscd = 'L86';
my $tgt_path = '/tmp/test/exports';
my $help;
GetOptions('src_xml=s' => \$src_xml,
'tgt_syscd=s' => \$tgt_syscd,
'tgt_path=s' => \$tgt_path,
'dev' => \$dev,
'h|help' => \$help
) or die "Usage: perl $0 --src_xml NAME --tgt_syscd NAME --tgt_path NAME
#checking for help
if ( defined $help ) {
die $help_message;
Your script will die only this way:
perl ./foo.pl --src_xml=
Check arguments with custom subroutine?
'dec-to-base35=i' => \&dec_to_base35,
'base35-to-dec=s' => \&base35_to_dec,
sub dec_to_base35 ( $opt_name, $decimal_value ) {
Complete example here
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