I have a class that implements a linked list. The class has a find() method which finds a value if it exists in the linked list. I have another method add() which adds a node, but ONLY if that value contained in that node does NOT already exist in the list.
So what I want to do in my add() function is use my find method instead of testing for an existing value since that'd be like implementing it a second time. My question is, how can I call the find method from within another method in that class?
I tried calling this.find(x)
But that gave me errors.
Here is what some of my code looks like:
// main function
// SLList.h (interface and implementation)
template<typename T>
bool SLList<T>::find(const T& val) const {
// finds value
template<typename T>
void SLList<T>::add(const T& x) {
bool found = this.find(x);
if (found) return false;
// goes on to add a node in the Singly Linked list (SLList)
So Like I said, I want to be able to call the find method from within another method in that class, and I thought all I'd have to do for that is refer to the calling object, and then call it's find method, but as I said, this gives me a bunch of errors.
Anyone help me out with how I can call this, thank you!
Just call find(x)
. No this required. Also, this
is a pointer to the current object. So you would have to do this->find(x)