I created a git clone of http://code.google.com/p/jpcsp/ . I later tried to update to the latest revision by fetching , merging , reseting and a bunch of other things which I can't remember all or the order in which they are . At the moment the git local repository is with the HEAD at the initial clone latest revision , I can't rebase (lists things that need updating and then says 'update index --refresh: command returned error:1') and can't checkout things after svn revision 1005 I think .
The primary issue seems to be that at revision 1006 a file with the name 'G:[...]' was commited to svn and then deleted the following revision . Now all the significant commands fail , for example 'fatal: cannot create directory at G:[...]' is the error message from 'git checkout -f HEAD' . HEAD is now at the initial clone which is 1994 in svn . So it is trying to create a folder with G: in the name which is unacceptable for windows . Also the command 'git ls-tree HEAD' has in it's output the following tree line : '[...] tree [sha1] "G:\[...]"' which seems to be the local folder path on the computer of the fellow that commited the 1006 revision to the svn repository - mabe this causes the checkout of the 1994 revision's git equivalent to fail . Another thing that may be causing problems is the fact that my computer sees imaginary removable drives including G: that aren't there in the first place - this was since I bought it more then a year ago and which may or may not be confusing git .
I created a message in the msysgit mailing list as well at http://groups.google.com/group/msysgit/browse_thread/thread/dfdeae9a85f3f534 with more details about some commands I made on the command line and their output , but I was also even more confused since I thought the issue was different .
One thing I tried and didn't work was to do a git rebase -i and then something like squash , but git was still complaining about not being able to create a folder with G:[...]
Today I have recloned the svn repository in another folder and it gave errors as well . Then the first checkout of the latest svn revision returned the same cannot create folder error .
If anybody knows how to fix a problem like this one I could use some help . And I won't accept suggestion that start with use svn because the remote repository is svn .
--<>EDIT<>-- : The solution with 'git svn fetch -r0:' and 'git svn fetch -r:HEAD' seems to work . I now have a checkout of the latest svn commit and a log of the entire history of the project except 2 commits . I received the message that the repository is in detached HEAD though so I'll have to investigate what that means . I have some questions about the new situation . I suppose I should fetch with revision numbers from now on from svn for as long as I keep this local git repository ? And would this impact my ability to dcommit at a later point ?
Maybe there are better ways, but you can try:
$ git svn fetch -r<last revision fetched>:<faulty revision -1>
$ git svn fetch -r<fault revision +2>:<latest revision>