I am using AngularFireFunctions in a modal and it works fine in development but now that I have compiled using the --prod flag I get the error below.
I have determined it is due to the '"optimization": true' setting in the angular.json file and the use of a modal. If I set this to false it works and I have another project that it is working fine but I can't determine the difference.
I tried creating a new Angular 8 project from scratch with the latest versions of everything and I get the exact same issue.
If I remove "private functions: AngularFireFunctions" from the constructor it does not have the error.
Here is the error:
ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): TypeError: StaticInjectorError[n -> t]:
Object(...)(...).functions is not a function
TypeError: StaticInjectorError[n -> t]:
Object(...)(...).functions is not a function
at functions.js:25
at e.invoke (zone.js:391)
at t.run (zone.js:150)
at t.runOutsideAngular (core.js:17258)
at new t (functions.js:23)
at core.js:21273
at Bc (core.js:21235)
at Vc (core.js:21199)
at t.get (core.js:21907)
at core.js:9141
at j (zone.js:831)
at zone.js:741
at a (tslib.es6.js:68)
at e.invoke (zone.js:391)
at Object.onInvoke (core.js:17299)
at e.invoke (zone.js:390)
at t.run (zone.js:150)
at zone.js:889
at e.invokeTask (zone.js:423)
at Object.onInvokeTask (core.js:17290)
Here is the modal code:
export class ElementsComponent implements OnInit {
@Input() amount: number;
@Input() description: string;
@Input() hasDefaultSource: boolean;
@ViewChild('cardNumberElement') cardNumberElement: ElementRef;
@ViewChild('cardExpiryElement') cardExpiryElement: ElementRef;
@ViewChild('cardCvcElement') cardCvcElement: ElementRef;
useAsDefaultSource = true;
stripe; // : stripe.Stripe;
constructor(private auth: AuthService,
private functions: AngularFireFunctions,
public modal: NgbActiveModal,
private spinner: NgxSpinnerService) {}
import { AngularFireFunctions } from '@angular/fire/functions';
providers: [
My mistake. Should be:
import { AngularFireFunctionsModule } from '@angular/fire/functions'; ... imports: [ AngularFireFunctionsModule, ...