am using CLI to get the list of all EBS volumes with some specific tags.
When i use the specific tag am getting the output as none in my output... I need to list out all the instance which is Key:Environment Value: Prod I need the output in table format with the headings.....
I don't know why am getting the none output in the column Environment
As of now am using the query like:
aws ec2 describe-volumes --filter Name=tag:Environment,Values=prod --query 'Volumes[*].Attachments[].{VolumeID:VolumeId,InstanceID:InstanceId,State:State,Environment:Environment}'
Am getting the output like:
DescribeVolumes |
| Environment | InstanceID | State | VolumeID |
| None | i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | attached | vol-xxxxxxxxxx |
Please help me
When tinkering with parameters in the AWS CLI, I highly recommend reading:
Here's a version of your command that extracts the specific tag:
aws ec2 describe-volumes --filter Name=tag:Environment,Values=prod --query "Volumes[*].{VolumeID:Attachments[0].VolumeId,InstanceID:Attachments[0].InstanceId,State:Attachments[0].State,Environment:Tags[?Key=='Environment']|[0].Value}"
It basically says "Include the Value of the tag that has a Key of Environment".
You might need to play with the quote characters. This worked for me on a Mac, but Windows needs different quotes (eg single vs double).