There are very useful code inspections in IntelliJ IDEA Constant conditions & exceptions and Return of 'null'. They show warnings when a method without @Nullable
annotation returns null
, a result of @Nullable
method, @Nullable
field or variable which might evaluate to null
Unfortunately, the same not work with lambda expressions. IntelliJ IDEA just ignores possible returning of null
from them. But I am pretty sure that there is a way to make Search Template for Structural Search Inspection which will find all possible returnings null
from lambda expressions.
By this moment I've managed to make a template which finds references to @Nullable
methods and template that wraps single-line lambdas with a method accepting @NotNull
generic argument and returning it back, it doesn't change code semantics and shows warnings when lambda might return null.
Here are my templates:
Nullable methods:
$MethodType$ $Method$($ParameterType$ $Parameter$);
Nullable method references
//Filters for $Method$:
reference = Nullable methods
Lambdas with unchecked result:
($Parameter$) -> $Statement$
//Filters for $Statement$:
text = !warnIfNull
type = !void|Optional|int|boolean|long|char|short|byte
//Replace template for $Statement$:
public class WarnUtils {
public <T> @NotNull T warnIfNull(@NotNull T t) {
return t;
I don't know how to make a template for multiline lambdas and I don't like wrapping all single-line lambdas with an additional method.
I think script filters may help, but I have no idea what to do with __context__
to check whether lambda probably returns null.
This problem can be solved without additional code inspections just by using functional interface which has @NotNull
annotation on its abstract method.
For example, if you need a supplier which mustn't return null you can use this interface:
public interface NotNullSupplier<T> {
T get();
If you try to return null from lambda expression of this type, Constant conditions & exceptions or Return of 'null' code inspection will detect it:
NotNullSupplier<Integer> supplier = () -> null; // warning - 'null' is returned by the method declared as @NotNull
I want to notice that using Supplier<@NotNull T>
may lead to incorrect behavior of mentioned code inspections (it must be a bug which probably will be fixed later). Here is an example of such behavior:
Supplier<@NonNull Integer> supplier = () -> null; // no warnings
Integer result = supplier.get();
if(result != null) // warning - Condition 'result != null' is always 'true'
Constant conditions & exceptions code inspection suggests to "Unwrap 'if' statement", following this advice in this case will lead to NullPointerException
To avoid such mistakes you can add the following Search Templates to Structural Search Inspection:
//Search template:
Supplier<@NotNull $T$>
//Replace template:
//Search template:
Function<$T$, @NotNull $R$>
//Replace template:
NotNullFunction<$T$, $R$>
//Search template:
BiFunction<$T$, $U$, @NotNull $R$>
//Replace template:
NotNullBiFunction<$T$, $U$, $R$>