I have an electron app frontend (zerorpc-node) communicating with a python backend (zerorpc-python) that needs to:
a) be able to send requests to the backend [standard zerorpc call]
b) be able to run multiple backend processes simultaneously [followed the architecture in https://github.com/0rpc/zerorpc-node/issues/96)
c) be able to cancel a backend process at will [not sure how to do this with current architecture]
Any guidance on how to architecture a solution to (c) would be great. If necessary I am willing to switch away from zerorpc if it is limiting, but if the solution involves using zerorpc that's fantastic.
I ended up using gipc
to spin up processes. The cancellation mechanism relies on the fact that when a gipc
process is terminated, the pipe closes. The entire API is complicated, this is what I ended up with:
class ZerorpcService():
def __init__(self):
self.participant_id = None
self.extraction_methods = []
# maps pid to (process, pipe writer)
self.processes = {}
self. = lock.Semaphore()
def _launch_process(self, function, kwargs):
Launches a new process
# add required arguments
pid = kwargs["pid"]
# start independent gipc process, communicated via pipe
started = False
with gipc.pipe() as (r, w):
with self.mutex:
if pid in self.processes:
return_value = {'status': 1, 'error': 'pid already exists', "report": True}
proc = gipc.start_process(self._process_wrapper, args=(function, kwargs, w))
self.processes[pid] = proc
started = True
# wait for process to send something over pipe
return_value = r.get()
except EOFError as eof:
# happens when we terminate a process because the pipe closes
return_value = {'status': 1, 'error': "pid {} terminated".format(pid), "report": False}
except Exception as error:
return_value = {'status': 1, 'error': str(error), 'traceback': traceback.format_exc(), "report": True}
# deletes the pid from the map
with self.mutex:
if started:
del self.processes[pid]
return return_value
def _process_wrapper(function, kwargs, pipe):
Executes f with kwargs and formats the result into a dict.
Wraps it in error handling.
Routes the return value through the pipe provided.
return_val = {'status': 0}
raw_val = function(**kwargs)
if raw_val is not None:
return_val = raw_val
except Exception as error:
return_val = {'status': 1, 'error': str(error), 'traceback': traceback.format_exc(), "report": True}
def cancel_process(self, pid):
if pid in self.processes:
with self.mutex:
process = self.processes[pid]
if process.is_alive():
return {'status': 0}
return {'status': 1, 'error': 'pid {} not found'.format(pid), "traceback": traceback.format_exc(),
"report": True}