I'm experimenting with React Natives createBottomTabNavigator
. I'm currently rendering screens as shown in the documentation. I wish to extend this by using icons, but I want to do it differently to as shown in the documentation.
For each screen i'm defining a navigationProperty
object, which holds an icon and other information.
I'm defining my tabNavigator
as follows:
export default createBottomTabNavigator({
About: {
screen: AboutScreen
LoyaltyCard: {
screen: LoyaltyCardScreen
Contact: {
screen: ContactScreen
I wish to use the defaultNavigationOptions
property to add icons, but rather then define them in the function I wish to use the properties as defined in each screen. For understanding, here's the AboutScreen
class AboutScreen extends React.Component {
navigationOptions = {
tabBarLabel: 'About',
tabBarIcon: 'md-checkmark-circle'
render() {
return (
<View style={{ flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center' }}>
As we can see in the above code example i'm defining two properties in the navigationOptions
object. A label and icon. My question is, how can I use these defined properties in the defaultNavigationOptions
configuration? Is this even possible?
This is where i'm currently at with the configuration:
defaultNavigationOptions: ({ navigation }) => ({
tabBarIcon: ({ focused, tintColor }) => {
return <Ionicons name={navigation.tabBarIcon} size={24} color="green" />;
So, I ended up solving this by creating an object of configurations outside of each screen. It looks like this:
iconInformation = [
'route': 'About',
'default': 'md-help-circle',
'focused': 'md-help-circle-outline'
'route': 'LoyaltyCard',
'default': 'ios-ribbon',
'focused': 'md-ribbon'
'route': 'Contact',
'default': 'ios-information-circle',
'focused': 'ios-information-circle-outline'
And I use it as follows:
defaultNavigationOptions: ({ navigation }) => ({
tabBarIcon: ({ focused, tintColor }) => {
iconName = ''
const { routeName } = navigation.state;
iconInformation.some(function(iconData) {
if(routeName === iconData.route) {
iconName = focused ? iconData.focused : iconData.default;
return true;
return <Ionicons name={iconName} size={24} color="green" />;
I use the some
function to do a short-circuit type loop. As this function is used a lot I want to minimize the number of loops. Thinking about it, I could probably shorten this quite a lot by using a custom dictionary object and then access the icon information via the route
key, as these match up with the routeName
value which gets returned from the navigation.state