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String Array as Data Source for UIPickerView

I am having trouble populating a UIPickerView with an array of strings with each row being one selection. I am creating a UIPicker outlet in my ViewController class and making changes to my UIPicker as data is generated from the main.async call.

// Creating our UIView Controller WeldFloorController
// WeldFloorController provides functionality to the WeldFloor screen

class WeldFloorController: UIViewController{

    // Defining the regex String to be used
    let regexString = String( """
((?:<div id=\\d{1,3}>)(UID:\\d{1,3})(currentPartNumber:(.{0,20}))(workcenter:(.{0,20}))(cycleTime:(.{0,20}))(curPartCycleTime:(.{0,20}))(partsMade:(.{0,20}))(CycleTimeActual:(.{0,20}))(target:(.{0,20}))(actual:(.{0,20}))(downtime:(.{0,20}))(statusReason:(.{0,30}))(lineStatus:(.{0,50}))(efficiency:(.{0,20}))(plusminus:(.{0,20}))(curProdTime:(.{0,30}))(<\\/div>))

    // Defining Main Thread for Data updates
    let main = DispatchQueue.main;

    // Intializing all usable objects on screen
    @IBOutlet weak var weldFloorProductionPicker: UIPickerView!;
    @IBOutlet weak var weldFloorDataDisplay: UICollectionView!;

    // Configuring objects on screen happens within viewDidLoad()
    // P*S Since the exectution is happening asynchronous so
    // all updates must be made from within { }
    override func viewDidLoad() {


        // END CONFIG

        // Starting WebService { result in
            switch result {

            // If Successful then execute main.async
            // In other words execute everything in .success
            // when webService == Successful
            // [execute main.async] { code here }

            case .success(let htmlBody): self.main.async {
                // First operation -- Return all matches into an array of Strings
                let returnHtml = matches(for: self.regexString, in: htmlBody);

                // Second operation -- For each match return an integer
                let dataPoints = returnHtml.count;

                // Third operation -- Populate our UICollections with our data                   
                // Sub Operation #1 -- Creating the dataSource
                // Edit** I kept this here for one thing ^^ DataSources should be called
                // from a seperate class file or library -- Using dataSources built within
                // the viewController are not reusable unless the dataSource is delegated
                // to another ViewController which at the point it would be just better
                // to create another lib file
                // and call that from there

                // Sub Operation #1 Actual -- Setting a dataSource object

                self.weldFloorProductionPicker.dataSource = returnHtml[];


            // If failed then print error
            case .failure(let error): print(error)
        // Additional Setup
        // Do any additional setup after loading the view.

self.weldFloorProductionPicker.dataSource = returnHtml[]; Is this not a valid way to identify that I want to set the dataSource as the array and all its values? The Array is 1 dimensional and the error I am getting is Cannot subscript a value of type '[String]' with an index of type '()' Any help would be greatly appreciated



  • You can try

    class ViewController: UIViewController , UIPickerViewDelegate,UIPickerViewDataSource {
       var arr = [String]()
      override func viewDidLoad() {   
        self.weldFloorProductionPicker.delegate = self
        self.weldFloorProductionPicker.dataSource = self 
    { result in
            switch result { 
              case .success(let htmlBody):  
                let returnHtml = matches(for: self.regexString, in: htmlBody)
                   self.arr = returnHtml 
                    DispatchQueue.main.async {
            // If failed then print error
            case .failure(let error): 
        func numberOfComponents(in pickerView: UIPickerView) -> Int {
            return 1
        func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, numberOfRowsInComponent component: Int) -> Int {
            return arr.count
        func pickerView(_ pickerView: UIPickerView, titleForRow row: Int, forComponent component: Int) -> String? {
            return arr[row]