Not sure how to ask this question because I can't understand the problem. Also, I'm not a docker expert and this may be a stupid issue.
I have a Rails project with docker-compose. And there's 2 situations. First I'm able to build and run the app with docker-compose up and everything looks fine, the problem is the code is not reloading when I change it. Second, when I add a volume in docker-compose.yml, docker-compose up exit because Gemfile can't be found, the mounted folder is empty.
Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml extract, I renamed some stuff:
# File:
FROM ruby:2.5-slim-stretch
RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get install -y redis-tools
RUN apt-get install -y autoconf bison build-essential #(..etc...)
RUN echo "gem: --no-document" > ~/.gemrc
RUN gem install bundler
ADD . /docker-projects
WORKDIR /docker-projects/project1/core
ENV BUNDLE_APP_CONFIG /docker-projects/project1/core/.bundle
RUN /bin/sh -c bundle install --local --jobs
# File: docker-compose.yml
build: .
command: /bin/sh -c "bundle exec rails s -p 8080 -b"
- "8080:8080"
- "8080"
- .:/docker-projects
- redis
- mysql
- memcached
My 'docker-projects' is a big project made of different rails_engines and gems libraries. We manage this with the 'repo' tool.
Running docker-compose build app work fine, and I can see bundle install logs. Then docker-compose up app exit with error 'Gemfile not found'.
It was working with no problem till I decided to recover 50gb of space from docker containers and rebuild everything. Not sure what changed.
If I add the volume(docker-compose), the mounted volume is empty. If I remove the volume(docker-compose), the code is not reloading as it was.
Versions I'm using:
Docker version 18.09.7, build 2d0083d
OSX 10.14.5
docker (through brew) with xhyve driver
I tried with a new basic docker-compose project and I didn't have this issue. Any ideas? I'll keep looking.
Ok, I found the problem. This is the command I was using to generate my docker-machine:
docker-machine create default \
--driver xhyve \
--xhyve-cpu-count 4 \
--xhyve-memory-size 12288 \
--xhyve-disk-size 256000 \
--xhyve-experimental-nfs-share \
I probably did an upgrade in the middle because didn't work anymore. The docker-maching showed some warnings about NFS conflicts with my existing /etc/exports definition but the machine was created.
After searching around, I realize I have to rewrite the command above like this:
docker-machine create default \
--driver=xhyve \
--xhyve-cpu-count=4 \
--xhyve-memory-size=12288 \
--xhyve-disk-size=256000 \
--xhyve-boot2docker-url="" \
--xhyve-experimental-nfs-share=/Users \
--xhyve-experimental-nfs-share-root "/"
The difference beside the '=' is the *-nfs-share options. I commented my /etc/exports to avoid the conflict warning, and recreated the machine. Now it works like it was before.
The option --xhyve-experimental-nfs-share-root is "/xhyve-nfsshares" by default, so I changed to "/" where I have it.