<template id="report_label">
<t t-call="report.html_container">
<t t-foreach="docs" t-as="o">
<div class="page">
<div class="row">
<div class="example_class">
<t t-esc="o.name" />
<t t-esc="o.type" />
<p>Size: <span t-esc="o.calculate_size()"/></p>
<p>Color: <span t-esc ="o.calculate_color()" /></p>
<p>Price: </p>
<tr><td colspan="2"><img t-att-src="'/report/barcode/Code128/%s' % 'test-0001'" style="width:100%;height:25px"/> </td></tr>
this is my template and for some reason, barcode is not showing up.
if I test in http://localhost:8069/report/barcode/Code128/test-0001 then it returns me a barcode.
and reportlab is also installed.
same result but smaller borders with
<img t-if="o.barcode" t-att-src="'/report/barcode/?type=%s&value=%s&width=%s&height=%s' %('Code128',o.barcode,250,50)"/>
is Settings > System Parameters need to change
Key report.url