Using the Vimeo SDK ( I have added the Vimeo player to my Angular (8) component. The videos URL comes in through an @Input() from my parent component.
It works just fine on initial load.
When I select another video in the list - which is a separate component - it updates the @Input() videoUrl
with the updated Url for the selected video.
However, despite updating the @Input() videoUrl
correctly I cannot dynamically update the Vimeo Player options.url
I have tried two things:
1/ Change detection. I can click on a new video in my list and console log out the new video URL @Input() just fine. I use this URL to update my Vimeo player options.url
, however the HTML element doesn't update with the new video.
2/ I have also tried binding my @Input() videoUrl to the div element, again this doesn't update the players url.
import Player from '@vimeo/player';
@Input() videoUrl: string;
videoPlayer: Player;
options = {
url: this.videoUrl,
width: 800
ngAfterViewInit(): void {
this.videoPlayer = new Player('vimeo-player', this.options);
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void {
this.options.url = changes.videoUrl.currentValue;
<div id="vimeo-player"></div>
Note that I have also tried dynamically updating the template:
<div id="vimeo-player" []="videoUrl"></div>
I expect that the Vimeo player updates its videoUrl options dynamically with @Input() value I provide
The Vimeo SDK is just JavaScript, not Angular, so it is not hooked into Angular's update cycle. I think you will need to call the vimeo play loadVideo method
Something like this
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void {
// probably need to get the videoId from the url
player.loadVideo(videoId).then(function(id) {
// The new video is loaded
}).catch(function(error) {
switch ( {
case 'TypeError':
// The ID isn't a number
case 'PasswordError':
// The video is password-protected
case 'PrivacyError':
// The video is private
// Some other error occurred