I am writing a custom mixin routine, it accepts varags of objects:
type HasIndex = {[key:string]:any};
// type RetType = ?
const mixinAll = (...v: HasIndex[]): RetType => {
return v.reduce((a,b) => doMixing(a,b,new Set()), {});
so my question is - how can I represent the return value for mixinAll
? Is there a way to represent a mixin type with TypeScript? Very similar to doing the same for Object.assign
If you look at the definition for Object.assign, that pretty much answers the question:
interface ObjectConstructor {
assign<T, U, V, W>(target: T, source1: U, source2: V, source3: W): T & U & V & W;
in short, use the & operator to create an intersection type - unfortunately can't seem to create something finer-grained than that.