The input is designed to contain multiple lines of answer from the user, all the white spaces at the start need to be deleted, I have down that by using line.strip(). However, I cannot figure out a way to delete the input blank lines between each line of the answer.
print("after press enter and add a quit at end of your code")
print("copy and paste your code here")
text = ""
stop_word = "end"
while True:
line = input()
if line.strip() == stop_word:
text += "%s\n" % line.strip()
You can detect a blank line in your code by checking the value of the line.
if line == "":
# start the next iteration without finishing this one
The following code discards a line if it is empty:
print("after press enter and add a quit at end of your code")
print("copy and paste your code here")
text = ""
stop_word = "end"
while True:
line = input()
if line == "":
if line.strip() == stop_word:
text += "%s\n" % line.strip()