I have a Google Apps script that belonged to a former colleague. They have been offboarded and the script currently has No Owner. I am curious how long this GScript will exist without an owner assigned.
The user has been deleted since May and we have a backup.
Based on the fact that you can restore a user within the first 20 days of being deleted and a file can be restored within the first 25 days of being deleted (if the user still exist) I would say it will remain available 20 days. After that it will be permanently deleted and cannot be restored or transfer, I would suggest to make a copy of the file.
You can check these G Suite Administrator Help Center Articles to have more details about how Google manage deleted users and files.
After checking the image well, I can see that the file is within a Shared Drive or "Team Drive" if that is the case according to "Store & share files with shared drives".
That means if the user is deleted (leaves the share drive) the file added will stay, so it will be forever. And the Shared Drive cannot be deleted if contains files, if someone wants to delete the Shared Drive they must delete the files first.