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Accessing local files with d3.json no longer working for firefox?

Up until last week, accessing a local file in firefox was not a problem, as per below:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Albers Projection</title>

path {
  fill: #ccc;
  stroke: #fff;
  stroke-linejoin: round;

<svg width="960" height="500"></svg>
<script src=""></script>
<script src =""></script>
//Map obtained here:
d3.json("US.json", function(error, us) {
  if (error) throw error;"svg").append("path")
      .datum(topojson.feature(us, us.objects.states))
      .attr("d", d3.geo.path());


However, as of this week, there is an error at the d3.json step:

uncaught exception: [object XMLHttpRequest]

I do not believe this is due to the older versions of D3 either, as it persists with V4 and topojson.v2, except the error here is:

uncaught exception: [object ProgressEvent]

I have not been able to find anything about this. What happened?


  • See the release notes

    Local files can no longer access other files in the same directory.

    More details are given under the security advisories

    #CVE-2019-11730: Same-origin policy treats all files in a directory as having the same-origin

    The associated bug is currently non-accessible, but there's related discussion in bug 803143. I don't think they have yet documented which options, if any, are available to developers to keep working with local multi-file documents.

    You might have to fall back to the old jsonp technique or use a static webserver.

    For local development you can override this behavior with about:config -> privacy.file_unique_origin = false, but beware that this exposes you to the kind of local data exfiltration that this change is intended to fix.