I have a table with a column containing values in a comma-separated list, like so:
| ObjectID (int) | Column1 (nvarchar(max))|
| 1 | 152, 154, 157, 158 |
| 2 | 101, 154, 155 |
| 3 | 97, 98, 99 |
I need to select all the ObjectIDs that have Column1 with ALL the integer values found in a particular string: '155, 154'. That way, only row with ObjectID = 2 should be returned, as it contains both 155 and 154 integers in its Column1 string.
I was trying something like this:
DECLARE @SearchString nvarchar(max) = '155,154';
FROM ObjectsTable
(SELECT Data FROM dbo.SplitString(Column1, ',')
WHERE Data = ALL (SELECT Data FROM dbo.SplitString(@SearchString, ',')))
But unfortunately, it does not return any records for me. Any idea how I can handle this, if it's even possible?
You can find the object id by using this query:
declare @FindText varchar(50)
set @FindText = '155,154'
SELECT Final.ObjectID
SELECT Tmp.ObjectID, COUNT(DISTINCT Found.Item) FoundCount
SELECT A.ObjectID, A.Column1, B.Item
from ObjectsTable A
outer apply dbo.SplitString(Column1,',') B
) Tmp
OUTER APPLY dbo.SplitString(@FindText,',') Found
WHERE LTRIM(Found.Item) = LTRIM(Tmp.Item)
) Final
INNER JOIN (SELECT COUNT(*) FindCount FROM dbo.SplitString(@FindText,',')) AS Fnd ON Fnd.FindCount = Final.FoundCount
This is dynamically find the number of objectIDs as the value change in @FindText So I think this will be very much helpfull to you.