I'm trying to merge cell in a angular table but my object is dynamic so I can't fix some value for rowspan attribute...
Here is my actuall html:
<table class="simple">
<th *ngFor="let col of columns"><p class="column-header">{{col}}</p></th>
<tr *ngFor="let item of mylist; let i=index" class="p-16 pl-24">
actual result:
name | email | number | cod | pref
maryann | m@gmail.com | 123 | 1 | 22
maryann | m1@gmail.com | 2104 | 12 | 22
john | j@gmail.com | 2206 | 11 | 4
john | j1@gmail.com | 2205 | 178 | 4
john | j2@gmail.com | 2309 | 199 | 4
petter | p@gmail.com | 12 | 150 | 50
expected result:
name | email | number | cod | pref
maryann | m@gmail.com | 123 | 1 | 22
| m1@gmail.com | 2104 | 12 |
john | j@gmail.com | 2206 | 11 | 4
| j@gmail.com | 2205 | 178 |
| j@gmail.com | 2309 | 199 |
petter | p@gmail.com | 12 | 150 | 50
You can build a pipe:
export interface GroupedData {
name: string;
pref: number;
emails: string[];
numbers: (number | string)[];
cods: (number | string)[];
@Pipe({name: 'groupByEmail'})
export class GroupByEmailPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(array: any[]): GroupedData[] {
const dataByUser: {[key:string]: GroupedData} = {};
for(const item of array) {
if(!dataByUser.hasOwnProperty(item.name)) {
dataByUser[item.name] = {
name: item.name,
pref: item.pref,
emails: [],
numbers: [],
cods: [],
dataByUser[item.name].emails.push(item.email ? item.email : '');
// for simplicity, I'm considering that none of the following values can be zero
dataByUser[item.name].numbers.push(item.number ? item.number : '');
dataByUser[item.name].cods.push(item.cod ? item.cod : '');
return Object.keys(dataByUser).map(key => dataByUser[key]);
And in your template:
<table class="simple">
<th *ngFor="let col of columns"><p class="column-header">{{col}}</p></th>
<tr *ngFor="let item of mylist | groupByEmail" class="p-16 pl-24">
<td><div *ngFor="let value of item?.emails">{{value}}</div></td>
<td><div *ngFor="let value of item?.numbers">{{value}}</div></td>
<td><div *ngFor="let value of item?.cods">{{value}}</div></td>
Don't forget to declare the pipe in the @NgModule
's declarations