I'm doing some tests in order to figure out how to best import data from a CSV file into Neo4J. I have the following data in the Person.csv file (3 headers, Person_ID, Name, and Type):
Person_ID Name Type
HUA001 Jaap Layperson
HUA002 Teems Priest
HUA003 Frank Layperson
I want to import the nodes which are of a particular type (e.g. 'Layperson').
I thought about creating a LOAD CSV command with a WHERE statement (see below), but Neo4J doesn't particularly like that WHERE statement. Any ideas how to get this (or a query with a similar result) working?
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///Person.csv' AS row
WHERE row.Type='Layperson'
CREATE (p:Person:Layperson {ID: row.Person_ID, name: row.Name})
You can use WITH
combined to filter the required rows and pass on the filtered rows to the next query which creates the nodes.
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///Person.csv' AS row
WITH row
WHERE row.Type='Layperson'
CREATE (p:Person:Layperson {ID: row.Person_ID, name: row.Name})