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Import particular nodes into Neo4J from CSV file

I'm doing some tests in order to figure out how to best import data from a CSV file into Neo4J. I have the following data in the Person.csv file (3 headers, Person_ID, Name, and Type):

Person_ID       Name    Type
HUA001          Jaap    Layperson
HUA002          Teems   Priest
HUA003          Frank   Layperson

I want to import the nodes which are of a particular type (e.g. 'Layperson').

I thought about creating a LOAD CSV command with a WHERE statement (see below), but Neo4J doesn't particularly like that WHERE statement. Any ideas how to get this (or a query with a similar result) working?

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///Person.csv' AS row 
WHERE row.Type='Layperson' 
CREATE (p:Person:Layperson {ID: row.Person_ID, name: row.Name})


  • You can use WITH and WHERE combined to filter the required rows and pass on the filtered rows to the next query which creates the nodes.

    LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///Person.csv' AS row 
    WITH row
    WHERE row.Type='Layperson'
    CREATE (p:Person:Layperson {ID: row.Person_ID, name: row.Name})