I have a pre-commit
git hook that is supposed to hinder the commit if the added lines don't follow the specified style-guide.
So in the root folder of my repo I have a .flake8
file that looks like:
########## FORMATTING ##########
# Print the total number of errors.
#count =
## Print the source code generating the error/warning in question.
#show-source =
## Count the number of occurrences of each error/warning code and print a report.
#statistics =
########## OPTIONS ##########
# Set the maximum length that any line (with some exceptions) may be.
max-line-length = 90
# Set the maximum allowed McCabe complexity value for a block of code.
max-complexity = 10
########## RULES ##########
ignore = D102,D103,E265
########## TARGETS ##########
# Redirect all output to the specified file.
#output-file =
## Also print output to stdout if output-file has been configured.
#tee =
And my git hook that is under .git/hooks/pre-commit
with full rights: rwxrwxrwx
(I know not the safest).
# Checks so that the file is correctly linted, before commiting.
# Using the same linter settings as defined in the repo root .flake8
LINT=$(git diff -- '***.py' | py -3 -m flake8 --diff --config="../../.flake8")
#LINT=$(git diff -- '***.py' | py -3 -m flake8 --diff --max-line-length=90)
if [ -z "$LINT" ]
exit 0
echo "$LINT"
exit 1
The hook works if I change the LINT
variable to the out commented one. Then it marks the row that is to long. But If I specify my config file instead then it does not mark it.
I think that the error is either that the --config="../../.flake8
is somehow not correct. I'm running this on a windows machine under cygwin (so the path should be formatted correct, no?).
Or that somehow my config file is wrong and thus it doesn't get applied.
Hooks run in the root of the repository so the option should be just --config=.flake8