I am working on a mobile app that will get some information from 3rd party API. API only accepts requests from certain IPs, that's why I am trying to build a proxy server that will work like below:
A -> Mobile Clients (IP:
B -> Proxy Server (IP:
C -> 3rd Party API (myapisite.com/*)
Basically, every request from A to C needs to go through B since C only accepts requests from B's IP. I've tried to build it via HAProxy but couldn't manage with domain names. I need a routing mechanism like below:
HTTP requests to should be forwarded to myapisite.com/api
HTTP requests to should be forwarded to myapisite.com/otherapi
What would be the simplest solution? Right now, I am thinking about using Ubuntu as a proxy server.
Minimal config
listen fe_http
mode tcp
timeout client 60s
timeout connect 2s
timeout server 5s
bind :::80 v4v6
server destservr myapisite.com:80 check