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Is using CreateDocumentQuery with predicate SQL Injection safe when using Cosmos DB?

I am using Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB.Core version 2.1.1 library in .NET application to query data from Cosmos DB.

Below is a code that I am using to query the data from Cosmos DB:

var query = predicate == null 
    ? docClient.CreateDocumentQuery<T>(CollectionUri, new FeedOptions {..... }).AsDocumentQuery()
    : docClient.CreateDocumentQuery<T>(CollectionUri, new FeedOptions { .....}).Where(predicate).AsDocumentQuery();

From the above code my question is, using predicate in query will be SQL injection safe?


  • It will indeed be safe.

    The SDK is using an internal LINQ to CosmosDB SQL converter which will just convert the LINQ to a query which is a single string. The SDK will use internal classes like SqlSelectClause, SqlWhereClause etc to contract a safe final result.

    You can also see the exact query that your LINQ creates by using query.ToString().