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GigyaSwift login method not opening FacebookWrapper

I just started using the new GigyaSwift SDK and i'm trying to implement facebook social login on an existing project. However, when i try to login using facebook, i get an error:

Fatal error: [facebook] can't login with WebView, install related sdk.

I have imported the SDK and wrappers in my project, and installed the FBSDK pods. This is my code:

Gigya.sharedInstance().login(with: .facebook, viewController: self, completion: { (res) in

These are the fields i have inputted into my plist.




            <string>fbAPP ID HERE</string>

I have tried to implement this on a new project and i was able to get it to work. I have tried to copy the settings of the new project to my existing one but that didn't work. A possible cause i have found is that the FacebookWrapper is not executing on login. Has anyone encountered this scenario and is there a fix for it?

EDIT: As requested by @Sagi Shmuel , here is the print result of my facebook wrapper with redacted names.

([REDACTED].FacebookWrapper) $R0 = 0x00006000002a4d00 {
ObjectiveC.NSObject = { isa = [REDACTED].FacebookWrapper } completionHandler = 0x000000010540f4e0 [REDACTED]`closure #1 (Swift.Optional>, Swift.Optional) -> () in variable initialization expression of [REDACTED].FacebookWrapper.(completionHandler in _D4653B6ACC181DF040059B860A43FAE8) : (Swift.Optional>, Swift.Optional) -> () at FacebookWrapper.swift:16
clientID = nil defaultReadPermissions = 1 value { [0] = "email" } = nil


  • That's happened because the GigyaSwift SDK not found the FacebookWrapper.swift file.

    Make sure you install Facebook SDK and add FacebookWrapper.swift file your project and.