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select column twice of same table on different condtion Psql

I'm working on Odoo11 and using psql. And I want to select the same column twice for the same table on a different condition, For this, I'm using case statement And I got the output, but not as expected. Because I want output in a single row but it comes in two rows.


 SELECT project_id,
    CASE WHEN project_type = 'Internal'  THEN SUM(unit_amount) END,
    CASE WHEN project_type = 'Project' THEN SUM(unit_amount) END 
FROM account_analytic_line where project_id = 347 GROUP BY project_id,project_type

Output Screenshot: enter image description here

For above screenshot, it generates two rows for the same project_id and wants these columns in a single row for the same project_id.

Thanks in advance


  • to get the result in a single row, you can use window functions:

    select distinct on (project_id)
    sum(unit_amount) FILTER (where project_type = 'Internal') over(PARTITION BY project_id) as intern, 
    sum(unit_amount) FILTER (where project_type = 'Project') over(PARTITION BY project_id) as project
    FROM account_analytic_line 

    extend with a fitting where clause.