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how to create variable column from my table SAS 4GL - RETAIN?

I have dataset in the followin format. The first 5 variables are already exist. I need to create the "NEED_TO".

It means that after row with '1' on column MTH_SATTL and when date on START column is older then date on DATA column then fill in 1 till to the next GROUP nad GR_ROZL.

I tried use RETAIN statement, but i think i make something wrong in syntax

Data        Start       Group   GR_ROZL MTH_SATTL   Need_to
01OCT2019   .           G11     2       0           0
01NOV2019   .           G11     2       0           0
01DEC2019   .           G11     2       0           0
01JAN2020   01JAN2020   G11     2       0           0
01FEB2020   01JAN2020   G11     2       1           1
01MAR2020   01JAN2020   G11     2       0           1
01APR2020   01JAN2020   G11     2       0           1
01OCT2019   .           G11     3       0           0
01NOV2019   .           G11     3       0           0
01DEC2019   .           G11     3       0           0
01JAN2020   01JAN2020   G11     3       0           0
01FEB2020   01JAN2020   G11     3       0           0
01MAR2020   01JAN2020   G11     3       1           1
01APR2020   01JAN2020   G11     3       0           1
01OCT2019   .           G12W    2       0           0
01NOV2019   .           G12W    2       0           0
01DEC2019   .           G12W    2       0           0
01JAN2020   01JAN2020   G12W    2       0           0
01FEB2020   01JAN2020   G12W    2       1           1
01MAR2020   01JAN2020   G12W    2       0           1
01APR2020   01JAN2020   G12W    2       0           1


  • The rule "fill in 1 till to the next GROUP and GR_ROZL" means you will want to have by processing. If the BY groups are contiguous but not collated you will need the NOTSORTED option. You will also need a RETAINed variable that gets reset at the start of a group and conditionally assigned according to your logic.


    data want;
      set have;
      by group gr_rozl NOTSORTED;
      retain need_to 0;
      * reset at the start of group;
      if first.gr_rozl then need_to = 0;
      * assign need_to if it is unassigned and meets assignment criteria;
      * this ensures the assigned value is carried forward (via retain) until reset again;
      if not need_to and start < data then need_to = 1;
      * alternate way to assign using logic operator OR;
      * need_to = need_to OR (start < data);

    To set the need_to value on the subsequent rows after first occurrence of start < data you can use an additional retained variable as a logic flag.


    data have; input
    Date        Start       Group $   GR_ROZL MTH_SATTL; 
    attrib date start informat=date9. format=date9.;datalines;
    01OCT2019   .           G11     2       0          
    01NOV2019   .           G11     2       0          
    01DEC2019   .           G11     2       0          
    01JAN2020   01JAN2020   G11     2       0          
    01FEB2020   01JAN2020   G11     2       1          
    01MAR2020   01JAN2020   G11     2       0          
    01APR2020   01JAN2020   G11     2       0          
    01OCT2019   .           G11     3       0          
    01NOV2019   .           G11     3       0          
    01DEC2019   .           G11     3       0          
    01JAN2020   01JAN2020   G11     3       0          
    01FEB2020   01JAN2020   G11     3       0          
    01MAR2020   01JAN2020   G11     3       1          
    01APR2020   01JAN2020   G11     3       0          
    01OCT2019   .           G12W    2       0          
    01NOV2019   .           G12W    2       0          
    01DEC2019   .           G12W    2       0          
    01JAN2020   01JAN2020   G12W    2       0          
    01FEB2020   01JAN2020   G12W    2       1          
    01MAR2020   01JAN2020   G12W    2       0          
    01APR2020   01JAN2020   G12W    2       0          
    data want;
      set have;
      by group gr_rozl NOTSORTED;
      retain need_to need_to_flag 0;
      * reset at the start of group;
      if first.gr_rozl then do; need_to = 0; need_to_flag = 0; end;
      * set retained value for fill in;
      if not need_to and need_to_flag then need_to = 1;
      * set flag for setting retained value on subsequent rows;
      if mth_sattl and not need_to_flag and start < date then need_to_flag = 1;
      drop need_to_flag;