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How to get all properties in msi file

How to know the property list contained an MSI file?

If we know the property name, we can get property value for a specific property. we can use the following codes:

WCHAR wzBuf[MAX_PATH+1]=L"";
DWORD dw=_countof(wzBuf);
    fGoodPath = ( ERROR_SUCCESS == ::MsiGetPropertyW(hInstall, L"INSTALLLOCATION", wzBuf, &dw) );

Just wondering how can we know all the property names defined in MSI/MSP files?


  • VBScript sample from PullMSPOfficeUpdates.vbs which is recommended to check. Iterates patches. A "canned" github search.

    Basic Sample: Here is a trimmed down sample which gets the Patch Code from an MSP. Sorry for no C++, but I am too rusty and not enough time (maybe add your own answer and set that accepted as C++ - hint: just edit your current one, it is more of a comment as it stands - prefer to edit your original answer or comment it - just the approach generally used here):

    Set installer = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
    Set msp = installer.OpenDatabase("C:\MyPath.msp", MSIOPENDATABASEMODE_PATCHFILE)
    Set summaryinfo = msp.SummaryInformation
    MsgBox summaryinfo.Property(MSIPID_REVNUMBER)

    UPDATE: I am not a C++ developer, but with some help from Installshield's Michael Urman, I think this C++ sample should work with Visual Studio 2017 at least. Please don't be too picky about the actual C++ constructs, use to find more samples (canned search sample - just for others and myself in the future, I know you don't need it):

    #include "pch.h"
    #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
    #include <atlstr.h> // CString support from ATL
    #include <Msiquery.h>
    #pragma comment(lib, "msi.lib") // to allow linking
    int main()
        CString lpszFilename = L"C:\\YourPatchFile.msp";
        PMSIHANDLE hSum;
        DWORD dwErr = MsiGetSummaryInformation(0, lpszFilename, 0, &hSum);
        if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErr)
            UINT uiProperty = 7;
            UINT uiDataType = 0;
            INT iValue = 0;
            FILETIME ftValue = { 0 };
            CString sValue;
            DWORD cchValue = MAX_PATH;
            dwErr = MsiSummaryInfoGetProperty(hSum, uiProperty, &uiDataType, &iValue, &ftValue, (LPWSTR)sValue.GetString(), &cchValue);
            MessageBox(NULL, sValue, L"Patch Code:", MB_OK);
       return 0;

    Testing: 1) Create new C++ console project in Visual Studio, 2) Paste the above code to the new project's main "ConsoleApplicationX.cpp" file (where X is a number) - replacing whatever is there, 3) Adjust the path to your MSP file (CString lpszFilename = L"C:\\YourPatchFile.msp";), 4) Say out loud: "fire in the hole" and hope for the best :-).

    MSI API Documentation: Here are some links: