I am running testcafe tests on an authentication page and I can see that testcafe is modifying/removing/adding the headers when sending the requests to the website and this is blocking me to do 2FA on this page
As soon as I got the issue, I tried to do the automation with Selenium just to confirm it is testcafe issue. As selenium doesn't create a proxy to insert the js scripts and automate the website I could do the automation with selenium, but I want to use testcafe as the site is developed in react.
await t.typeText(this.emailInput, config.userEmail)
.typeText(this.passwordInput, config.userPassword)
.typeText(this.otpInput, this.token)
When clicking on the next button I should have the 2FA form asking for the code, but I got a page saying was not possible to do the authentication (Something wrong happened) and I saw the response code for the BeginAuth endpoint was 222 without any response instead of 200.
The URL is that I am using to authenticate looks like this one:
https://login.microsoftonline.com/client uuid
/oauth2/authorize?response_type=code%20id_token&response_mode=form_post&client_id=client uuid
Testcafe team found out this is a bug on testcafe-hammerhead, they have fixed and it is going to be included in the next release.
For now I am generating the cookie in the automation and sending it in the header.