For my Project I want to access the database especially one table which has the BauTeilId in it and putting all the BauTeilId into one List in the Controller
"DefaultConnection": "Server=(localdb)\\mssqllocaldb;Database=QualitätsKontrolleDB;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true"
Controller The String Code is from the HTML and consits of 6 digits
private ApplicationDbContext Context = new ApplicationDbContext();
public IActionResult StartPage(string Code)
var list = Context.Result.All(c => c.BauTeilId);
return View();
Table used for this I only need the BauTeilId TypenID int PruefungenID int BildID int BauTeilID string Date DateTime xLabel string X int YLabel string Y int FehlerCode string Fehlername string FehlerGruppe1 string FehlerGruppe2 string Result int
Right now the output is not existent but it should be the whole column.
If to want to get only BauTeilId from table likeselect BauTeilId from table
(from t in Context.Result
select new {
}).toList(); // .toList(); is not necessary, Linq returns an `IEnumerable `
That LINQ Statement,Hope you get point.