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Styling excel in Laravel with Laravel Excel

Learning Laravel, I face now Excel export.

Searching in the Intenet Laravel Excel ( seems to be the better choice, but I'm findind it very difficult to style the sheets (colors, fonts, sizes, etc.)

I'm using global event listeners in my AppServiceProvider:

Sheet::listen(AfterSheet::class, function () {
        Sheet::macro('color_tab', function (Sheet $sheet, string $color) {

And then I use it in my Export class:

public function __construct($color) {
    $this->color = $color;
use RegistersEventListeners;
public static function afterSheet(AfterSheet $event) {
    // this is an error because it's a static method!

The problem is that I have to color the tab whit the color given in the constructor, but I can't because all these method for styling the Excel are static.

How can I do this?

Is there another good library to export Excel? With an easier way of do the styling.



  • Finally I decided to use directly PhpSpreadSheet library whithout using wrapper Laravel Excel