I have a dataset as below.
id1 k1, k2, k3, k4
id2 k1, k2
id3 k2, k3
id4 k4
I wish to count the number of rows in which each of my "k" is present along with the id's it is present for.
output :
k1 2 id1, id2
k2 3 id1, id2, id3
k3 2 id1, id3
k4 2 id1, id4
I have used explode and then group by on keys and I get the following output.
val newlines = sparkSession.read.textFile(s3Path)
.map(ke => {
val split = ke.split("\t")
(split(0), split(1).toString.split(", "))
val myDF = newlines.withColumn("Key", explode($"_3")).groupBy(("Key"))
k1 2
k2 3
k3 2
k4 2
Is there a way I can add id's as well ?
You can use spark inbuilt
functions split,explode,agg
scala> import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
scala> val df=Seq(("id1","k1,k2,k3,k4"),
scala> df.selectExpr("a","explode(split(b,',')) as ex")
| ex| b|cnt|
| k1| id1,id2| 2|
| k2|id1,id2,id3| 3|
| k3| id1,id3| 2|
| k4| id1,id4| 2|