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<video> html tag is not working in iOS 12 and above in ionic application

There is a video in the application and I used html tag to play the video in the application. And video is proper working in any android version and iOS below 12 version. But in iOS 12 it's not playing.

  class="anim-img" height="360px" width="360px" 
  id="receivevideo" src="{{}}" 
  poster="{{videoThumbnail}}" preload="auto" 
  type="video/mp4" webkit-playsinline playsinline>

In above code I will get the video url from the webservice which is given in src and for thumbnail of the video I used poster and it is also come from the webservice.

I tried to add "controls" in the video tag which are given in some solutions but still it's not working in iOS 12 and above.


  • I turned off the low power mode in iOS device and it worked. The video is working perfectly fine.

    But still I need solution if the device is in power mode then how will the video play?