When creating named pipes using the NamedPipeClientStream or NamedPipeServerStream classes of dotnet core, the associated "pipe" (which appears to actually be a socket) has "CoreFxPipe_" added to the front of the file name automatically.
Is there a non-hacky way to prevent this behavior? I would simply like the file name to be exactly the name I provide to the constructor.
In the dotnet core documentation, it describes the following constructor:
Initializes a new instance of the NamedPipeServerStream class with the specified pipe name.
But, for reasons described above, this description appears to be misleading at best.
Use an absolute path for the pipe name
Looking through the source code for NamedPipeClientStream, line 93 reveals that the pipe name is "normalized" with a call to GetPipePath which is a method of the PipeStream class. Looking through the source code for PipeStream, GetPipePath is implemented on line 35.
It seems the method checks "IsPathRooted" (presumably; is the pipe name an absolute path). If it is then it will give you "full control" over defining the path to the socket. Otherwise it will place the socket in /tmp/ and add a prefix of CoreFxPipe_ to the filename.