Pivoting and subtotals are common auxiliary steps in spreadsheets and SQL.
Assume a data.table with the fields date, myCategory, revenue
. Assume that you want to know the proportion of day revenue of all revenue and the proportion of day revenue within different subgroup such that
#First auxiliary variable of all revenue
totalRev = sum(revenue) #SUBGROUP OF ALL REV
#Second auxiliary variable of revenue by date, syntax wrong! How to do this?
{totalRev_date=sum(revenue), by=list(date)} #DIFFERENT SUBGROUP, by DATE's rev
#Within the subgroup by date and myCategory, we will use 1st&2nd auxiliary vars
,Revenue_prop_of_DAY=revenue/totalRev_date) ,by=list(myCategory,date)]
where we need to compute the auxiliary sums, all revenue of specific day and all revenue of whole history.
The end result should look like this:
date myCategory Revenue_prop_of_TOT Revenue_prop_of_DAY
2019-01-01 Cat1 0.002 0.2
where you see that the auxiliary variables are only help functions.
Another option using data.table::cube
cb <- cube(DT, sum(value), by=c("date","category"), id=TRUE)
cb[grouping==0L, .(date, category,
PropByDate = V1 / cb[grouping==1L][.SD, on="date", x.V1],
PropByCategory = V1 / cb[grouping==2L][.SD, on="category", x.V1],
PropByTotal = V1 / cb[grouping==3L, V1]
date category PropByDate PropByCategory PropByTotal
1: 1 1 0.3333333 0.2500000 0.1
2: 1 2 0.6666667 0.3333333 0.2
3: 2 1 0.4285714 0.7500000 0.3
4: 2 2 0.5714286 0.6666667 0.4
DT <- data.table(date=c(1, 1, 2, 2), category=c(1, 2, 1, 2), value=1:4)
# date category value
#1: 1 1 1
#2: 1 2 2
#3: 2 1 3
#4: 2 2 4