In the following code (which is an attempt to solve an exercise from 'Software Foundations' [chapter on Lists]), Idris reports a very complex type for countSingleton_rhs
. The type includes a complex expression having the following at its core: case decEq x x of ...
module CountSingleton
data NatList : Type where
Nil : NatList
(::) : Nat -> NatList -> NatList
-- count occurrences of a value in a list
count : (v : Nat) -> (s : NatList) -> Nat
count _ [] = Z
count Z (Z :: ns) = S (count Z ns)
count Z (_ :: ns) = count Z ns
count j@(S _) (Z :: ns) = count j ns
count (S j) ((S k) :: ns) =
case decEq j k of
Yes Refl => S (count (S j) ns)
No _ => count (S j) ns
-- to prove
countSingleton : (v : Nat) -> (count v [v]) = S Z
countSingleton Z = Refl
countSingleton (S k) = ?countSingleton_rhs
Why isn't Idris simplifying decEq x x
to Yes Refl
Is there a better way to implement count
which avoids this behaviour?
What can I do to simplify/rewrite the types in order to make progress?
Your count function is more splitted than it needs to. If you check for decEq x y
anyway, you can unify all cases except count _ [] = Z
count : (v : Nat) -> (s : NatList) -> Nat
count _ [] = Z
count x (y :: ns) = case decEq x y of
Yes Refl => S (count x ns)
No _ => count x ns
The straight-forward way to prove countSingleton
is to follow the flow. Your countSingleton_rhs
has a complex type, because the type is a case switch, depending on the result of decEq v v
. Using with
Idris can apply the result of the branch to the resulting type.
countSingleton : (v : Nat) -> (count v [v]) = S Z
countSingleton v with (decEq v v)
| Yes prf = Refl
| No contra = absurd $ contra Refl
As you have noted, this seems a bit redundant, as decEq x x
is clearly Yes Refl
. Luckily it is already proven in the library: decEqSelfIsYes : DecEq a => decEq x x = Yes Refl
, which we can use to rewrite the resulting type:
countSingleton : (v : Nat) -> (count v [v]) = S Z
countSingleton v = rewrite decEqSelfIsYes {x=v} in Refl
Unfortunately because of an open issue, rewriting case
types doesn't always work. But you can just rewrite count
with with
to circumvent this issue:
count : (v : Nat) -> (s : NatList) -> Nat
count _ [] = Z
count x (y :: ns) with (decEq x y)
| Yes _ = S (count x ns)
| No _ = count x ns