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HTML "required" attribute for multiple button with multiple text field on same form

I have HTML form which has multiple button and multiple text fields on same form some thing like below.

Form: #myform

TextField1 ---> Button1
TextField2 ---> Button2
.. so on like more number of fields

I want to apply "required" attribute only specific button to specific textfield (Button1 for TextField1 )

It will be grateful if someone provide solution in javascript by passing some parameter to perform this validation


  • I found solution to suit my requirement which I asked in automated fashion, I am posting the code so that might be useful if someone searching solution like me

    Calling function on button click

        <input type="text" id="txtfield1" class="texttype0" th:field="*{txtfield1}" placeholder="Enter txtfield1"> 
        <button type="submit" id="bt1" onclick="btn('txtfield1')" name="action" >Update</button>

    And below is my javascript function

    function btn(txtid) {
            document.getElementById(txtid).setAttribute("required", true);
                    function() {
                        var name = $(this).attr('id');
                        if (txtid == name) {
                            $(name).prop("required", true);
                        } else {
                            $(name).prop("required", false);
                            document.getElementById(name).required = false;

    This will search all element from a form and remove require attribute except the one which you passed in parameter.