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How to access the data from streaming query in "memory" table for subsequent batch queries?

Given a writeStream call:

val outDf = (sdf.writeStream

How can I run a sql against the MyInMemoryTable e.g.

  val df = spark.sql("""select Origin,Dest,Carrier,avg(DepDelay) avgDepDelay 
                from MyInMemoryTable group by 1,2,3""")

The documentation for Spark Structured Streaming says that batch and streaming queries can be intermixed but the above is not working:

'writeStream' can be called only on streaming Dataset/DataFrame;
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: 'writeStream' can be called only 
   on streaming Dataset/DataFrame;

So how can the InMemoryTable be used in subsequent queries?


  • The following post on Hortonworks site has an approach that seems promising Here is the sample writeStream - which is of the same form as my original question:

     StreamingQuery initDF = df.writeStream()
    sparkSession.sql("select * from initDF").show();

    And here is the response:

    Okay,the way it works is :

    In simple terms,think that The main Thread of your code launches another thread in which your streamingquery logic runs.

    meanwhile ,your maincode is blocking due to

    sparkSession.sql("select * from initDF").show() => This code run on the mainthread ,and it reaches there only for the first time.

    So update your code to :

    StreamingQuery initDF = df.writeStream() .outputMode("append") .format("memory") .queryName("initDF") .trigger(Trigger.ProcessingTime(1000)) .start();
    sparkSession.sql("select * from initDF").show()

    Now the main thread of your code will be going through the loop over and over again and it queries the table.

    Applying the suggestions to my code results in :

    while(outDf.isActive) {
      strmSql(s"select * from $table", doCnt = false, show = true, nRows = 200)
    outDf.awaitTermination(1 * 20000)

    enter image description here

    Update This worked great: I am seeing updated results after each mini batch.