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Getting pointer by &str

Consider this pseudocode:

    let k = 10;
    let ptr = &k as *const k;
    println!("{:p}", ptr); // prints address of pointer
    let addr = format!("{:p}", ptr);

    super-unsafe {
    // this would obviously be super unsafe. It may even cause a STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION if you try getting memory from a page that the OS didn't allocate to the program!

    let ptr_gen = PointerFactory::from_str(addr.as_str()); 

    assert_eq!(k, *ptr_gen);

The pseudocode gets the idea across: I want to be able to get a pointer to a certain memory address by its &str representation. Is this... possible?


  • So essentially what you want to do is parse the string back to an integer (usize) and then interpret that value as a pointer/reference:

    fn main()
        let i = 12i32;
        let r = format!("{:p}", &i);
        let x = unsafe
            let r = r.trim_start_matches("0x");
            &*(usize::from_str_radix(&r, 16).unwrap() as *const i32)
        println!("{}", x);

    You can try this yourself in the playground.

    As you can see, you don't even need to cast your reference into a raw pointer, the {:p} formatter takes care of representing it as a memory location (index).

    Update: As E_net4 mentioned this in the comment section, it is better to use usize here, which is architecture defined unlike the machine sized one. The transmute was not necessary, so I removed it. The third point about undefined behaviour however seems obvious to whomever tries to do something like the above. This answer provides a way to achieve what the OP asked for which doesn't mean this should be used for anything else than academic/experimental purposes :)