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How to connect ignite web console with my kubernetes cluster pods (server and client)

How to connect ignite web console with my kubernetes cluster pods (server and client) and also let me know how to connect to SQL dB?


  • Not clear question but I will try to answer the way I understood it.

    Under IGNITE-7131 jira ticket you can find documentation link on Ignite Web Console deployment in Kubernetes.

    The full procedure contains next steps:

    1) Install Apache Ignite cluster. I used GCP installation for my needs. Just follow all the steps to successfully deploy and activate Ignite cluster.

    2) Installing Web Console in kubernetes

    • Install MongoDB
    • Install Web Console If you wont use private repository perform next steps:

      • remove imagePullSecrets property from frontend and backend deployments
      • use image: apacheignite/web-console-backend for backend in web-console-deployment.yaml
      • use image: apacheignite/web-console-frontend for frontend in web-console-deployment.yaml
      • above images was able to find here
    • Install Web Agent

    After installing all components I was able to reach Ignite Web Console using frontend service external-ip

    $kubectl get svc frontend -n web-console
    NAME       TYPE           CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)        
    frontend   LoadBalancer   80:30160/TCP  

    web-console-deployment.yaml part for backend deployment:

    apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
    kind: Deployment
      creationTimestamp: null
        app: backend
      name: backend
      namespace: web-console
      replicas: 1
      strategy: {}
          creationTimestamp: null
            app: backend
          - env:
            - name: mail_auth_pass
            - name: mail_auth_user
            - name: mail_from
            - name: mail_greeting
            - name: mail_service
            - name: mail_sign
            - name: mongodb_url
              value: mongodb://mongodb.mongodb.svc.cluster.local/console
            - name: server_host
              value: ""
            - name: server_port
              value: "3000"
            - name: server_sessionSecret
              value: 12345
            image: apacheignite/web-console-backend
            name: backend
            resources: {}
          restartPolicy: Always
    status: {}