I try to clone the react app from the git repo into new machine , but soon after clonning i tried to install npm in order to deal with the dependencies but every time it shows me the error
below is my package.json file
I already tried to update my package.json file with latest version reinstall the npm and node
Below are the error messages i got when i ran npm install
command into that project folder
Not found - GET https://registry.npmjs.org/react-router-dom/ -/react-router-dom-4.4.0.tgz
ERR!44 'react-router-dom@4.4.0' is no the npm registry
Change version for react-router-dom
in your package.json
to 5.0.0
instead of 4.4.0
In the end, we decided that the fix that would cause the least pain for everyone would be to npm unpublish version 4.4.0 and re-release it as 5.0.0.
this is quoted from the developers of react-router-dom
Due to some issues they unpublished that version of it.