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Pytorch LSTM vs LSTMCell

What is the difference between LSTM and LSTMCell in Pytorch (currently version 1.1)? It seems that LSTMCell is a special case of LSTM (i.e. with only one layer, unidirectional, no dropout).

Then, what's the purpose of having both implementations? Unless I'm missing something, it's trivial to use an LSTM object as an LSTMCell (or alternatively, it's pretty easy to use multiple LSTMCells to create the LSTM object)


  • Yes, you can emulate one by another, the reason for having them separate is efficiency.

    LSTMCell is a cell that takes arguments:

    • Input of shape batch × input dimension;
    • A tuple of LSTM hidden states of shape batch x hidden dimensions.

    It is a straightforward implementation of the equations.

    LSTM is a layer applying an LSTM cell (or multiple LSTM cells) in a "for loop", but the loop is heavily optimized using cuDNN. Its input is

    • A three-dimensional tensor of inputs of shape batch × input length × input dimension;
    • Optionally, an initial state of the LSTM, i.e., a tuple of hidden states of shape batch × hidden dim (or tuple of such tuples if the LSTM is bidirectional)

    You often might want to use the LSTM cell in a different context than apply it over a sequence, i.e. make an LSTM that operates over a tree-like structure. When you write a decoder in sequence-to-sequence models, you also call the cell in a loop and stop the loop when the end-of-sequence symbol is decoded.