I changed mysql2 version in my project's Gemfile from 0.3.20
to 0.5.2
. When I run bundle update mysql2
I get the following error:
Fetching mysql2 0.5.2 (was 0.3.21)
Installing mysql2 0.5.2 (was 0.3.21) with native extensions
Gem::Ext::BuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
current directory: /Users/hirurg103/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/mysql2-0.5.2/ext/mysql2
/Users/hirurg103/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/bin/ruby -I /Users/hirurg103/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.4.0 -r ./siteconf20190715-35076-13r30uh.rb extconf.rb
checking for rb_absint_size()... yes
checking for rb_absint_singlebit_p()... yes
checking for rb_wait_for_single_fd()... yes
Using mysql_config at /usr/local/opt/mysql@5.6/bin/mysql_config
checking for mysql.h... yes
checking for errmsg.h... yes
checking for SSL_MODE_DISABLED in mysql.h... no
checking for MYSQL_OPT_SSL_ENFORCE in mysql.h... no
checking for MYSQL.net.vio in mysql.h... yes
checking for MYSQL.net.pvio in mysql.h... no
checking for MYSQL_ENABLE_CLEARTEXT_PLUGIN in mysql.h... yes
checking for SERVER_QUERY_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED in mysql.h... yes
checking for SERVER_QUERY_NO_INDEX_USED in mysql.h... yes
checking for SERVER_QUERY_WAS_SLOW in mysql.h... yes
checking for MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_ON in mysql.h... yes
checking for MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_OFF in mysql.h... yes
checking for my_bool in mysql.h... yes
Don't know how to set rpath on your system, if MySQL libraries are not in path mysql2 may not load
Setting libpath to /usr/local/opt/mysql@5.6/lib
creating Makefile
current directory: /Users/hirurg103/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/mysql2-0.5.2/ext/mysql2
make "DESTDIR=" clean
current directory: /Users/hirurg103/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/mysql2-0.5.2/ext/mysql2
make "DESTDIR="
compiling client.c
compiling infile.c
compiling mysql2_ext.c
compiling result.c
compiling statement.c
linking shared-object mysql2/mysql2.bundle
ld: library not found for -lssl
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make: *** [mysql2.bundle] Error 1
make failed, exit code 2
Gem files will remain installed in /Users/hirurg103/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/mysql2-0.5.2 for inspection.
Results logged to /Users/hirurg103/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/extensions/x86_64-darwin-18/2.4.0-static/mysql2-0.5.2/gem_make.out
An error occurred while installing mysql2 (0.5.2), and Bundler cannot continue.
Make sure that `gem install mysql2 -v '0.5.2' --source 'https://rubygems.org/'` succeeds before bundling.
My setup:
mysql: Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.6.42, for osx10.14 (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper
OS: MacOS Mojave 10.14.2
How can I fix this error?
I was able to solve this problem with the following command:
gem install mysql2 -v '0.5.2' -- --with-cflags=\"-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include\" --with-ldflags=\"-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib\"
and then
bundle install
OpenSSL 1.0 reached EOL on 2019-12-31. After Mac OS and Homebrew packages upgrade you will need to specify paths to openssl@1.1
gem install mysql2 -v 0.5.2 -- --with-cflags=\"-I/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/include\" --with-ldflags=\"-L/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/lib\"