I want to show result from my price table with specific format like this:
$2536360.23 ==> 2"536"360/23
I´ve wrote this code, Please help me to complete:
Declare @Input Money = 2536360.23
, @Seprator Char(1) = '"'
, @DecimalPointer Char(1) = '/'
I agree with Larnu that this should not really be done in the database layer, but it is possible.
So if you are just interested in learning the "how":
Declare @Input Money = 2536360.23
, @Seprator Char(1) = '"'
, @DecimalPointer Char(1) = '/'
FORMAT(@Input, 'C', 'en-us'), -- this puts it in the expected starting format $2,536,360.23
-- if you skip the last parameter, it would be based on whatever your local culture is set to
-- e.g. I am British so for me it would say £2,536,360.23
',', @Seprator),
'.', @DecimalPointer),
'$', '');